Upload Data To Cerberus Or Alliance

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  4. Upload Data To Cerberus Or Alliance 2

Kept the data for myself in N7: Lost Operative quest. Recruitment/Loyalty: - All team members recruited and loyal and alive. (Kasumi Loyalty) Kasumi kept the graybox data. (Samara Loyalty) Samara's dead, recruted Morinth. (Garrus Loyalty) Garrus killed Sidonis.

N7: Lost Operative


Quest Type

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Experience Points
x2000 Platinum

  • An asset upgrade for the Alliance First Fleet war asset, this is based on the player having completed the 'N7: Lost Operative' assignment in ME2 and if the player chose to upload the Cerberus operative's data to either the Alliance or the Normandy (however, if the player sent the data to Cerberus, this asset upgrade will not be available).
  • If the Mass Effect Trilogy is famous for anything, it's for its use of choices and consequences, where there's a great range of decisions for players to make throughout the series, with decisions.

N7: Lost Operative is an Assignmentin Mass Effect 2. N7: Lost Operative is about a lost Cerberus operative, Tyrone Rawlings. Assignments are secondary quests in Mass Effect 2, that are not mandatory to progress the game's story, but provide context and flavor by meeting interesting NPCs of all kind of Races, granting additional experience, and letting the player visit extraordinary and unique planets.

N7: Lost Operative Walkthrough

Once you land, head off to your right, behind a bunch of crates, you will find a crate of Platinum. Now head up the ramp and turn right towards the door. Eclipse Troopers and an Eclipse Vanguard will welcome you, get into cover and deal with them.

Once they are down, a new wave composed of the same type of Enemies will come from the opposite door. The Vanguard has a nasty habit of trying to flank you, so keep that in mind. When the Enemies are gone, head into the room they came out from to grab some Medi-Gel and bypass a safe to obtain Credits.

Now head back into the main room, you will find a table to your right with a terminal on it. You learn that Rawlings was killed. When you are ready, get your squad into cover facing the doors you haven't used yet, and bypass the holding cell access panel. Once you do, get into cover, because more Enemies will approach. Namely, a Salarians Eclipse operative called Morl, an Eclipse Vanguard and more Eclipse Troopers.

Keep an eye on the Vanguard because he is the operative that tends to get closer. Morl can use Combat Drone, so be on the lookout for that too, because he will use it to distract your team.

Once the threats are down, go through the door from which Morl entered the room, and down the ramps. You will find a Platinum rate in the corner. Return to the room, and enter the other not yet accessed door on your right, to go through a tunnel that will eventually lead to an interrogation room. Bypass the door to enter, and access the computer to finish the Assignment.

When you access the computer EDI informs you about the nature of the data and the potential damage it may cause to Cerberus if it was available to the public. After learning this, you have three options:

  • Upload the data to Cerberus Commnad
  • Upload the data to Alliance Command
  • Keep the data for yourself on the Normandy.

Once you make your decision, the Assignment is over.

How to unlock N7: Lost Operative

  • You have to complete Freedom's Progress and Dossier: Archangel. After recruiting Garrus you will receive a message from Cerberus Command on your private terminal.

Enemies found on N7: Lost Operative

N7: Lost Operative Rewards

  • Experience Points
  • Credits

N7: Lost Operative Notes & Tips

  • Notes & tips go here
All Assignments in Mass Effect 2
Arrival (Assignment) ♦ Citadel: Crime in Progress ♦ Citadel: Found Forged ID ♦ Citadel: Krogan Sushi ♦ Dossier: The Master Thief ♦ Dossier: The Veteran ♦ Illium: A Troublemaker ♦ Illium: Blue Rose of Illium ♦ Illium: Gianna Parasini ♦ Illium: Indentured Service ♦ Illium: Medical Scans ♦ Illium: The Assassin: Salarian Family Data ♦ Illium: The Justicar: Smuggling Evidence ♦ Illium: The Justicar: Stolen Goods Found ♦ Illium: The Prodigal: Lost Locket Found ♦ N7: Abandoned Mine ♦ N7: Abandoned Research Station ♦ N7: Anomalous Weather Detected ♦ N7: Archeological Dig Site ♦ N7: Blood Pack Base ♦ N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay ♦ N7: Blue Suns Base ♦ N7: Captured Mining Facility ♦ N7: Eclipse Smuggling Depot ♦ N7: Endangered Research Station ♦ N7: Hahne-Kedar Facility ♦ N7: Imminent Ship Crash ♦ N7: Javelin Missiles Launched ♦ N7: Mining The Canyon ♦ N7: MSV Estevanico ♦ N7: MSV Strontium Mule ♦ N7: Quarian Crash Site ♦ N7: Wrecked Merchant Freighter ♦ Normandy Crash Site (Assignment) ♦ Normandy Crash Site (Assignments) ♦ Normandy: FBA Couplings ♦ Normandy: Serrice Ice Brandy ♦ Normandy: Special Ingredients ♦ Omega: Archangel: Datapad Recovered ♦ Omega: Batarian Bartender ♦ Omega: Packages for Ish ♦ Omega: Struggling Quarian ♦ Omega: The Patriarch ♦ Omega: The Professor: Missing Assistant ♦ Overlord (Assignment) ♦ Overlord: Atlas Station ♦ Overlord: Prometheus Station ♦ Overlord: Vulcan Station ♦ Project Firewalker: Geth Activity ♦ Project Firewalker: Prothean Site ♦ Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost ♦ Project Firewalker: Survey Sites Located ♦ Project Firewalker: Volcano Station ♦ Tuchanka: Combustion Manifold ♦ Tuchanka: Killing Pyjaks ♦ Tuchanka: Old Blood: Missing Scout

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Quest Type


Spectre UnitWar Asset
Hanar and Drell ForcesWar Asset
Kasumi Goto War Asset

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat is a Side Missionin Mass Effect 3. Citadel: Hanar Diplomat is about a supossedly indoctrinated Hanar diplomatic. Side Mission are secondary quests in Mass Effect 3, that are not mandatory to progress the game's story, but provide context and flavor by meeting interesting NPCs of all kind of Races, granting additional experience, and letting the player visit extraordinary and unique planets. Aliases in facetime for mac.

How to unlock Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Upload Data To Cerberus Or Alliance Bank

  • You have to complete Priority: Palaven first.

  • You will receive a mail from Agent Bau, asking you to meet him on the Citadel. He can be found outside Commander Bailey's office side of the Human Embassy.

  • This Mission must be completed before starting Priority: Tuchanka

  • You have to complete Freedom's Progress and Dossier: Archangel. After recruiting Garrus you will receive a message from Cerberus Command on your private terminal.

Enemies found on N7: Lost Operative

N7: Lost Operative Rewards

  • Experience Points
  • Credits

N7: Lost Operative Notes & Tips

  • Notes & tips go here
All Assignments in Mass Effect 2
Arrival (Assignment) ♦ Citadel: Crime in Progress ♦ Citadel: Found Forged ID ♦ Citadel: Krogan Sushi ♦ Dossier: The Master Thief ♦ Dossier: The Veteran ♦ Illium: A Troublemaker ♦ Illium: Blue Rose of Illium ♦ Illium: Gianna Parasini ♦ Illium: Indentured Service ♦ Illium: Medical Scans ♦ Illium: The Assassin: Salarian Family Data ♦ Illium: The Justicar: Smuggling Evidence ♦ Illium: The Justicar: Stolen Goods Found ♦ Illium: The Prodigal: Lost Locket Found ♦ N7: Abandoned Mine ♦ N7: Abandoned Research Station ♦ N7: Anomalous Weather Detected ♦ N7: Archeological Dig Site ♦ N7: Blood Pack Base ♦ N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay ♦ N7: Blue Suns Base ♦ N7: Captured Mining Facility ♦ N7: Eclipse Smuggling Depot ♦ N7: Endangered Research Station ♦ N7: Hahne-Kedar Facility ♦ N7: Imminent Ship Crash ♦ N7: Javelin Missiles Launched ♦ N7: Mining The Canyon ♦ N7: MSV Estevanico ♦ N7: MSV Strontium Mule ♦ N7: Quarian Crash Site ♦ N7: Wrecked Merchant Freighter ♦ Normandy Crash Site (Assignment) ♦ Normandy Crash Site (Assignments) ♦ Normandy: FBA Couplings ♦ Normandy: Serrice Ice Brandy ♦ Normandy: Special Ingredients ♦ Omega: Archangel: Datapad Recovered ♦ Omega: Batarian Bartender ♦ Omega: Packages for Ish ♦ Omega: Struggling Quarian ♦ Omega: The Patriarch ♦ Omega: The Professor: Missing Assistant ♦ Overlord (Assignment) ♦ Overlord: Atlas Station ♦ Overlord: Prometheus Station ♦ Overlord: Vulcan Station ♦ Project Firewalker: Geth Activity ♦ Project Firewalker: Prothean Site ♦ Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost ♦ Project Firewalker: Survey Sites Located ♦ Project Firewalker: Volcano Station ♦ Tuchanka: Combustion Manifold ♦ Tuchanka: Killing Pyjaks ♦ Tuchanka: Old Blood: Missing Scout

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Quest Type


Spectre UnitWar Asset
Hanar and Drell ForcesWar Asset
Kasumi Goto War Asset

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat is a Side Missionin Mass Effect 3. Citadel: Hanar Diplomat is about a supossedly indoctrinated Hanar diplomatic. Side Mission are secondary quests in Mass Effect 3, that are not mandatory to progress the game's story, but provide context and flavor by meeting interesting NPCs of all kind of Races, granting additional experience, and letting the player visit extraordinary and unique planets. Aliases in facetime for mac.

How to unlock Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Upload Data To Cerberus Or Alliance Bank

  • You have to complete Priority: Palaven first.

  • You will receive a mail from Agent Bau, asking you to meet him on the Citadel. He can be found outside Commander Bailey's office side of the Human Embassy.

  • This Mission must be completed before starting Priority: Tuchanka

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat Walkthrough

Head to the Human Embassy and look for Bau there. Once you talk to him he will give you an overview of what's going on. Apparently, the alliance raided a Batarian lab where Reaper tech was being studied. It turned into a massacre and the Alliance got away with nothing. There were also Hanar operatives there, and Bau believes they were indoctrinated.

You can ask him about where he got this information, and it depends on whether you completed Kasumi: Stealing Memory or not in Mass Effect 2. If you did, he will tell you that Kasumi Goto got him that information (even if she didn't survive the Suicide Mission in the previous game), if not Bau says he obtains the information from Donovan Hock.

The implicated Hanars are now members of the hanar diplomatic delegation and Bau has tracked down several suspicions between Kahje, the Hanar Homeworld, and the Citadel. Commander Shepard offers to look the inside the Spectre office.

When you enter the office if Kasumi Goto is alive, she decloaks once the door closes and offers to help you. If you helper retrieve the Graybox during Kasumi: Stolen Memory, she claims to have leaked its content regarless of the prior decision to keep or destroy the device. If it was destroyed, she claims enough clues were left to piece things together.

Bau will contact you via comm the whole Mission, as well as Kasumi Goto if she is alive. Head to the Spectre Terminal and select the Hanar Embassy Tracking option. Exit the terminal and Bau states that he is now checking security reports. Head t o the Hanar embassy to track transfers coming from there.

The NavPoint is a terminal at the Office Suite. As you activate it, you will discover strange money transfers from Bolohn and Oloon. With this information, Bau clears Bolohn, statins that the transfers are for his Asari mistress, but has his doubts about Oloon.

Kasumi, if present, will find odd that Hanar have mistresses.

You will find the next NavPoint at the Docks: Holding Area, just outside the elevator. Access it, and you will discover Oloon's activities: heavy lobbying for the Hanar to support the war effort. Bau then clears Oloon and asks who is the one opposing him. An unnamed Hanar, recently arrived from their homeworld. Head to the opposite side of the docking bay to continue. Gaspar noe torrent.

Access the terminal on the far end of the Docks: Holding Area to contact Bau. A new list of Hanar arrivals will be forwarded to the Salarian. Bau states the list is useless since it is all face names, no soul names as the ones from the Alliance raids. He asks you to tap into their communications to learn their soul names.

Return to the terminal at the elevator. Access it to forward Bau the hanar communications. The Salarian states that he has got the name, Zymandis, a Hanar that was with the Alliance team during the raids and has been in a 'special research assignment' since. Return to the embassies, and head to the office suite located on the left side of the elevator to meet Bau.

Both of you (and Kasumi if she's around), enter the office to apprehend the Hanar. You can ask him about the motivations behind this or simply arrest him right away.

Upload Data To Cerberus Or Alliance Online

Zymandis states that the defenses of his homeworld are mostly automated, and can be shut down by a single virus, which he has just uploaded. Bau quickly moves in to stop the upload, but a human standing at the door quickly chokes him as the Salarian attempts to shake him off.

If Kasumi is present, she runs up to the terminal to stop the upload. Commander Shepard knocks out the man holding Bau and Kasumi manages to stop the upload. Bau proceeds to pull out his gun and shoot the Hanar. Kasumi notices that the Hanar has rigged a failsafe, the console explodes knocking her against a wall.

If Kasumi's loyalty mission was completed in Mass Effect 2, she decloaks herself. Although Shepard won't pressure her into joining the war effort, the Commander convinces her of all the expensive tech lying around, unguarded. If you didn't complete her loyalty mission, Kasumi won't reappear.

If Kasumi isn't around, you will have to choose between saving Bau or stopping the upload.

Upload Data To Cerberus Or Alliance

Enemies found on Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

  • N/A

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat Rewards

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat Notes & Tips

Upload Data To Cerberus Or Alliance 2

  • Notes & tips go here
All Side Missions in Mass Effect 3
Apien Crest: Banner of the First Regiment ♦ Aria: Blood Pack ♦ Aria: Blue Suns ♦ Aria: Eclipse ♦ Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists ♦ Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue ♦ Benning: Evidence ♦ Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula ♦ Citadel: Asari Widow ♦ Citadel: Barla Von ♦ Citadel: Batarian Codes ♦ Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces ♦ Citadel: Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics ♦ Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers ♦ Citadel: Cerberus Retribution ♦ Citadel: Cerberus Turian Poison ♦ Citadel: Chemical Treatment ♦ Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe ♦ Citadel: Heating Unit Stabilizers ♦ Citadel: Improved Power Grid ♦ Citadel: Inspirational Stories ♦ Citadel: Kakliosaur Fossil ♦ Citadel: Krogan Dying Message ♦ Citadel: Medi-gel Sabotage ♦ Citadel: Medical Supplies ♦ Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments ♦ Citadel: Target Jamming Technology ♦ Citadel: Volus Ambassador ♦ Citadel: Wounded Batarian ♦ Dekuuna: Code of the Ancients ♦ Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction ♦ Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation ♦ Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza ♦ Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere ♦ Irune: Book of Plenix ♦ Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components ♦ Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery ♦ Kite's Nest: Pillars of Strength ♦ N7: Cerberus Abductions ♦ N7: Cerberus Attack ♦ N7: Cerberus Fighter Base ♦ N7: Cerberus Lab ♦ N7: Communication Hub ♦ N7: Fuel Reactors ♦ Nimbus Cluster: Library of Asha ♦ Shrike Abyssal: Prothean Obelisk ♦ Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune ♦ Tuchanka: Bomb ♦ Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Arrives

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