Happy reading Beechcraft Bonanza F33a Poh Book everyone. It's free to register here toget Beechcraft Bonanza F33a Poh Book file PDF. File Beechcraft Bonanza F33a Poh Book Free Download PDF at Our eBook Library. This Book have some digitalformats such us: kindle, epub, ebook, paperbook, and another formats. Here is The Complete. Aug 01, 2001 Bonanza Series 33-590010-7: H Reissue F33/G33/F33A/F33C Illustrated Parts Catalog Effectivity: F33 (CD-1235 THRU CD-1254), G33 (CD-1255 THRU CD-1304), F33A (CE-290 & AFTER), F33C (CJ-26 & AFTER) JUL 2012. Skin desktop clock and calendar. View and Download Beechcraft Debonair 35-33 pilot operating handbook online.
Beechcraft Bonanza F33a Poh Pdf File Free
The Instruments
The main instrument panel is typical of general aviation aircraft of this size and type. I found nothing unusual about it except the radar altimeter, which is more often found in commercial aircraft that do a lot of instrument landings.
Several popup windows are included:
- The Garmin GNS 430 GPS device is described on the Garmin website as 'an all-in-one GPS/Nav/Comm solution' with GPS, communication, and navigation features. The Garmin website says it will stop accepting orders for the GNS 430W in 2012. A small placard on the instrument panel says this GPS is limited to VFR only. That's presumably because it doesn't have instrument-approach procedures. No price is shown on Garmin's website, but I found one on eBay for $6,250 US and another for $6,500 US.
- A mini panel displays the main flight instruments (airspeed indicator, attitude indicator, altimeter, turn coordinator, horizontal situation indicator, vertical speed indicator) and the primary engine instruments (tachometer, manifold pressure, fuel level, and fuel flow).
- The autopilot is one of three instruments called 'AVSS' (altitude and vertical speed selector). The AVSS consists of a unit for selecting the desired altitude and vertical speed, a unit for engaging the autopilot functions (altitude, heading, etc.), and an annunciator panel that shows the pilot which features are engaged. Devices such as these are common in general aviation aircraft. Only the autopilot control unit appears in a popup window; the others are in the instrument panel. (I was unable to find any such use of this acronym on the Internet.)
- The pilot's operating handbook is the same 37-page POH that's available as a separate PDF file. Pages are turned with mouse clicks.
- A control panel enables selection of four animated items (wheel chocks, bag and package, pitot cover, and plane sights prop marker.
- An INFO window lists the popup windows by number and name
Main panel | Popup windows | Main panel |
Screen shots by Bill Stack |
Supporting Documents
Carenado provides several documents to maximize use of its F33A Bonanza:
Bonanza F33A POH: Called 'Normal and Emergency Procedures PDF' in the product description, this 37-page manual provides checklists, V speeds, and emergency procedures. It also has several charts showing variable data such as cruise-power settings, range, endurance, and landing distances. Much of it appears to have been scanned from real-world documents. In addition to being available as a stand-alone document, this manual is available in one of the popup windows.
GNS430 User Guide PDF: This three-page document explains use of the Garmin 430 GPS device.
Beechcraft Bonanza F33a Poh Pdf Files
AVSS manual PDF: This one-page document describes use of the Altitude and Vertical Speed Selector (autopilot).
VC diagram PDF: This single page document identifies workable instruments and controls in the virtual cockpit.
Kneeboard: A reference data sheet is included in the kneeboard. I like these kneeboard documents, but they are overlooked by many of the developers whose products I have reviewed over the last couple of years.
Beechcraft Bonanza F33a Poh Pdf File Download
Copyright F33A: This one-page document provides the copyright and contact information for this product.
These documents are in portable document format (PDF), which can be read with programs such as Adobe Acrobat. The kneeboard document is in the typical HTML format for FS2004.